Topigs Norsvin South Africa Suite A205, Block A De Goedehoop Close Office Park 121 Sovereign Drive Route 21 Corporate Park Irene, 0157 + 27 12 3483676
Andrew Reeders General Manager Mail +27 (0)79 515 6273
Hezekiel Mpedi Training and Development Manager Mail +27 (0)83 666 7753
Lihandi van Rheede van Oudtshoorn Senior Technical and Breeding Manager Mail +27 (0)82 253 4435
Collins Mbulaheni Genetic Centre Manager Mail +27 (0)82 712 7810
Willem Pelser Customer Support Manager Mail +27 (0)72 496 1440
Aston Bull Customer Support Manager Mail +27 (0)60 535 2506
Louis Botha Production Manager – Gauteng Mail +27 (0)76 619 4276
Wimpie Odendaal Senior Production Manager – Mpumalanga & Free State Mail +27 (0)73 422 7310
Zambian Pig Genetics Chisamba, Lusaka Zambia
Francisco Kasuba Sales, Technical and Marketing Manager Mail +26 (0)76 258 9884
Joseph Phiri Sales, Technical and Marketing Advisor Mail +26 (0)96 837 2207